Saturday, September 13, 2008

My Beautiful World - Day 9

While all hell was breaking loose on the Texas Coast this morning, we had the kind of day in East Central Florida that Florida's Chambers of Commerce live for. It was breezy and hot, but not totally miserable. Above me was that impossible blue sky, with just enough little white, wispy clouds for contrast but no threat of rain. The ocean was calm and "Bahamas" clear. The tides have returned almost to normal, so the beach was wide, flat and hard. For some strange reason there were very few people at the beach. It is fun when the beach is crowded; there is lots to see and enjoy. However, I'm a bit of a recluse, so the less crowded the beach is the better I like it.

The only downside was that my camera battery died, so I did not get any pictures.

As I walked in the sunshine basking in the glory of a perfect late summer day in Florida, I was aware in the back of my mind that the day was unimaginably different for the people in Texas and western Louisiana.

My heart goes out to them.

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