Sunday, May 25, 2008

Graduation - Part 2 - "another view"

Today's graduation ceremony was (notwithstanding the egregious behavior of certain of the guests) as close to perfection as such events can possibly be.

Whoever planned the ceremony should receive an enormous bonus. The challenge for that poor soul was to plan a lovely ceremony to usher nearly 700 students to the door of adulthood and get it over with in time for another 700+ students from a different high school to have their graduation ceremony four hours later. Think about that before you move on! And just to make it more interesting, the convention center where the event was held is under construction and there are very serious parking issues.

The person or committee managed to rise to the challenge in every possible way.

The stage was beautiful. The entire ceremony was projected on a huge screen behind the diaz so everyone could see very well. The sound was good (always an issue for me due to my poor hearing). The ceremony started right on time. The kids marched in without incident. The music was perfect. Most of the speeches were excellent: short, poignant and humorous. The Valedictory address included humor, inspiring words and something I don't think I have ever heard from a graduation speaker before: a healthy dose of humility.

Somehow -- don't ask me how -- they managed to give each student his/her special moment crossing the stage being greeted by dignitaries, accepting their diploma and having their picture taken without rushing anyone but without wasting one second.

The Class of 2008 flipped their tassels together as one. They threw golden streamers in the air (instead of their caps), which was lovely, and they marched out in straight lines. I was very proud of the kids, but I think I was just as proud of the teachers and administrators who managed to pull off such a dignified and yet unstuffy event in an hour and a half.

I expected to be there for at least two hours. We were home by 2:00 p.m.

I am so proud and happy for my Daughter today. (More on THAT in coming days, I am sure). I am grateful her school gave her class a sendoff comensurate with their efforts and worthy of the occasion.

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